
German entrepenuer Alexander Schoppmann wants to start a new airline that will restore the ‘class’ in first class air travel, by, “offering Cuban cigars, caviar and flight attendants in designer uniforms - as well as smoking allowed in every seat.”

Schoppman, himself a pack and ½ a day smoker, hopes Smoker's International Airways, or Smintair, will be able to provide flights between Germany and Tokyo.

“It's all about service, and that includes helping people avoid long hours confined without a cigarette break during a long-haul flight. I've been an airline passenger for 50 years, it made me very angry that the gap between service and price became so big with regular airlines. Especially in the first class and business class, service is at its lowest point ever."


  1. Damn't i've been sitting on the couch for hours instead of buying a pack of cigarettes, now i have to go buy a pack and finish

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