
Showing posts from February, 2005

Cigarettes in review: Introduction; Part 1: American

Introduction ‘Light’ cigarettes: Why are you smoking ‘lights’? Do you think they will only give you ‘light’ cancer? Menthols: Why are you smoking menthols? If you smoke menthols you obviously are not interested in tobacco or smoking, so stop reading this now Cloves: Why are you smoking cloves, are you a goth girl? Oh, you are? Never mind then. 'Generic' brands: Why are you smoking cigarettes that smell and taste like burning tires? If you are willing to risk disease from an activity, pay enough so that it is actually pleasurable enough to be worth doing. Part 1: American Marlboro Reds: I smoked these as a young lad. They provide a decent nicotine kick, and for a mass produced smoke have a middle of the road flavor with a harsh finish. Marlboro 100’s: These are slightly smoother than Marlboro Reds. They are also longer, but not as longer as you might think, since part of the added length (and part of the added smoothness I suspect) stems from longer filters. I guess they are a s...